Fennel Tea Herbal Remedy
Fennel is native to the Mediterranean region, where it grows wild in fields and on hillsides. One of the oldest plants used in herbal medicine (in ancient China fennel was valued as a cure for visual ailments), it is now cultivated for medicinal purposes in many parts of the world, including United States, Europe, Asia and Africa.
Between July and September, the plant grows large, golden-yellow flower clusters, which produce the new seeds. When the flowers are mature, the seeds are harvested and dried and can then be crushed and brewed to produce a highly potent medicinal tea.
Today fennel tea is perhaps best known for its antispasmodic and anti-cramp ing properties. In addition, it stimulates the appetite, promotes good digestion and is an excellent remedy for gas. Because the tea is safe and gentle, it can be mixed into food for infants and children
Preparation Of The Tea
Pour3A cup of boiling water over 1 -2 tsp. of freshly crushed fennel seeds. Allow this mixture to steep on a hot stove for 5-10 mm., but do not allow it to boil again. Drink this tea for the relief of digestive complaints.
The recommended dose is 1 cup of tea 3 times a day, between meals. Three to six weeks of this daily fennel-tea regimen usually brings relief.