Caribbean History Repository
Anbanet is the personal website and internet domain of Mykal Jones, a musician and freelance web design architect in Newport, RI. Established and registered in 2003, the site was designed to provide general and historical information about the twin-island state of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean.
Allot has changed since the first edition of the site, so if you're a new visitor to Anbanet, Welcome! The new Anbanet is an evolving repository of historical and educational materials including films, articles, videos and documentaries about the Caribbean Islands, cultures and peoples pre-history, slavery and colonialism.
Website Structure Information
The structure of the site is divided into four different compartments. Head, main content, sidebar, and footer. The main navigation menu is in the head section at the top with links to our about us, news media, web trends, music videos, and contact pages.
The sidebar contains links to the main directories of the repository where you can access the files containing the History Of The Caribbean, Antigua Barbuda, and our Herbal Plants and Web development sections. The main content section of the site is where you'll find most of the articles, web graphics, photographs, embedded video files and written information related to the page.
The footer is the last section of the site located at the bottom of the page. It contains copy write information, all the links in the main navigation, links to all the directories and other important assets of the website.
Purpose Description Audience
This edition of Anbanet is designed to function as a Caribbean history research directory for students, teachers, journalists, scholars and anyone interested in learning more about the histories of the Caribbean peoples and cultures.
Thank you for visiting Anbanet, hope you find it useful. Feel free to share your thoughts about Anbanet Caribbean History website. If you cannot find the information you might be interested in, use the site map, it contains all the active files on the server.